Sales Order Template Orders

Sales Order Template orders allow users to quickly and easily create new sales orders for customers using previously saved order details. A new ‘template’ order is created for a customer. This new template can contain a line for each item that the customer buys.  When the customer wishes to place a new order, the existing template order can be recalled and used as a ‘template’ from which the item codes for the new order can be selected. You simply specify the quantities against each item that you want to be saved to the new order. When the recalled order is saved, all the Items that do not have a quantity specified will be dropped from the new order leaving only those lines that have a quantity entered. And the saved lines on the new order will  reflect any pricing changes that may have occurred since the template order was originally created.

Template orders save you the hassle of re-entering in the item codes for the items in the order each time an order is raised for the customer. You just enter in the quantities for the items you want to order and let the system do the rest.